Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How to conduct a paranormal investigation

In this post I will list the steps one should go through when investigating a haunted house. This post will not be covering the things one would need to do to set up an investigation, what to do when you experience phenomena, or what to do after your investigation. I will look at these in another post. The steps and ideas are the same for buildings or parks/outdoor areas. 

Before beginning an investigation walk around the home with the lights on so that you get a general feel for the house and make sure the house is clear of people and pets. While doing your initial walkthrough get a temperature reading so that you can recognize any “cold spots” you may have during your investigation. Be sure to turn off all light such as TVs or computers.

The investigation:

1. Walk into an area which the owner(s) claims to have experience phenomena and take a few pictures of the room.

2. Turn your video camera on and announce that you are not there to harass or cause harm and you expect the same for yourself and everyone with you.

3. Begin asking questions for signs of the paranormal to reveal that it exists.

4. While listening carefully look around the room with the video camera

5. Continue steps 3 and 4 for as long as you feel necessary, if you feel that a room is not haunted move on to the next until you have investigated the entire home. 

If you have questions please feel free to ask in the comments area and I will reply as soon as possible. 

Happy hunting!

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